Monday, March 30, 2020

Quarantine Republic

Leaving large forms
As the subtle deity

Fighting for stigma
Incarnation of science

Weapons in hand
Mask in one
Sanitizer in one
Soap in one
One is medicine
One syringe
Vehicle ambulance

The hospital
Its temple
The ventilator and its altar
In all houses
The poojamuri of solitude
As a contact ban
Banquet banner,
Pleasure of the drug

Doctors are prophets
Nurses are priests
Administrative machinery
And its quorum

Like himself
Guarding his neighbor
Must be gods
That every one of them
Its a sacred book

Shake hands
The hug fell off
And kissing
Sociological testing
Hands on
Love it

To cut off the chain
Its a kneeling prayer

* Sivaprasad Palod *

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